Note: There is a common problem preventing the solution to most of today’s issues. The all or nothing approach provided by the warring Democrat and Republican parties prevents compromise solutions. This will not change until other parties like the Libertarian Party, Independent Party, Green Party and others have equal standing as the two major parties.

Libertarian Party of Connecticut Calendar

School Choice Petition

We need to open schools.  Some parents are afraid, and others are more than ready for schools to open.  The solution is to give parents and guardians a choice.  Give parents or guardians a voucher for the current per-student cost for them to use towards the type of schooling they want for their children, allowing the market to provide appropriate options.  The money could then be used to purchase broadband service and computer equipment for on-line learning or training activity kits.  After-school programs and day care options could be used for hands on learning.  How …
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Economic Shutdown

The initial shutdown for Covid-19 was regrettable but necessary to allow for the time needed to understand the virus and how to deal with it’s potential threat to life. At that time it was supported by both parties. As the country and state response to the virus started to show success, politics took over. Factual information was clouded and flavored to support political biases. We the people are now unable to determine the best course to follow. The one thing that we do know is the children are suffering with no end in sight, and …
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The Covid-19 pandemic illustrates the weakness of global and national institutions that operate independently of the people they are intended to support. These institutions start with a noble purpose, but over time they fall under the influence of their individual, corporate and national donors. The United Nations World Health Organization (WHO) failed to alert the world of the potential for a global pandemic, allowing the virus to spread around the world. The US Center for Disease Control (CDC) accepted the WHO and China’s assessment and failed to recommend stocking up on the protective equipment to …
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